Monday, November 19, 2012

Birth Weight!

In a crowning achievement today, Soren regained his birthweight of 6lbs, 5oz.  It has been a team effort and we are all proud of him.  Below, an especially proud Grandma Lois shares a gaze with her grandson.
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  1. Grandmother Lois looks particularly at ease with her job of feeding the new grandkid as well as cuddling him as all grandmothers know how to do best! The Leverett crew sends their best and lots of love to all!

  2. YAAAAY for little Soren!! And hooray to the pit crew! I love the bright little eyes, so fixed on his Grandma Lo. He's already starting to look older, somehow.

    Love to everybody up there in the happy trenches,
    Gramma Sam & Pop-Pop
