Sunday, December 15, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside!

Don't we look so cheery outside, enjoying a wintry day as a family (minus Carl, who was taking the photos)?
Well, Carl claims our "blog" is not really a blog if we are sugar coating our real lives and leaving out the main themes, which, today included: fatigue from the work week that we feel we left only seconds ago despite it being Sunday, stress from too much holiday planning still not done, guilt for gifts not yet purchased-wrapped-mailed, annoyance at the absolute insanity of trying to get two squirming children properly outfitted for 20 minutes of winter temperatures, frustration with our awesome snowtube having broken 1 minute prior to leaving for a sledding trip, hunger from not ever getting to sit down and eat an actual meal, sadness for not ever getting to finish a full sentence, worry for the upcoming work week and all we left on our desks last Friday, irritation that it's supposed to rain on Friday just before a skiing partner arrives for Carl, uncertainty at how we are going to get through these long winter weekends until the flowers bloom again in MAY... and wonder at how our paths led us to this moment of parenting and and exhaustion and chaos and truly the good fortune to be able to call these our biggest hardships...  
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