Saturday, February 25, 2012


With some slight behavioral prompting from his parents, Alden was bought into the idea of "big kid underpants" with gusto. As seen immediately below, we ventured to the mall on a friday night (yeehaw!) where we picked out some of his favorites from Gap Kids. Dad took him to the changing room and (against mom's advice that it is against the law ?!) tried on a pair in the changing room. This promtply led to pee-on-unpurchased shark underwear (see below), a large puddle and some scrambling parents, who werent sure if they had just broken the law. All turned out ok . ..

Back at home, Mom handled the first morning in the underpants trenches by herself, and so far the tally is 2 pees and 1 poo on the potty, and 2 pees and 1 poo in the underpants. Her report from the frontline: "its exhausting!" But to celebrate the successes, Alden has gotten some marshmellows, a movie, a vitamin D chewy, and (far below), his very own underpants cake, made by his mom.

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1 comment:

  1. Woah! Way to go buddy! Such an exciting step. He is getting so big. Miss you all!
